Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sssssssimply stunning!

If you are the type terrified to confront the creepy crawlies of the night, skip this piece please.
Others, should you believe that to go looking for venomous snakes and residents of the forest, in the middle of the night in pelting rain, is stuff crackpots are made of, many thanks for the compliments. Enjoy the pics!

Packing my faithful rucksack - which can easily qualify for the 'most vividly travelled rucksack' global award, if there were to be category of this kind - with essential trivia's, i set off late July for a herpetofauna expedition i had registered for earlier. In the wet wet and densely dense forests of the Western Ghats at the confluence of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Goa.

Herpetofauna is a generic term which refers to all species of reptiles and amphibians. But this one was more specific. A Pit Viper Expedition!

Some snapshots of the creatures of the night for you....


  1. Is it the same expedition which is being conducted by Nirmal Kulkarni, then hope to see you over there!

  2. Hi,
    Wished to request you for permission to use your pic of the Malabar pit viper in a presentation. You could watermark it and send it to me at or let me copy it from this blog.
