Monday, September 13, 2010

Travel Peace! Bylakuppe, South Karnataka

Pic-1: A group of western monks training at Sera Jey

Pic-2: The Sera Jey University for Advanced Buddhist Studies

Pic-3: Inside the Namdroling Temple

Pic-4: The Majestic Namdroling Temple (also known as the Golden Temple)
It was that time of the year when the need for a footloose yet purposeful vacation grew dire. Moreover, i was informed that the HH the Dalai Lama was to be in Bylakuppe during this period. This settlement is located about 100kms from Mysore and is the largest of Tibetan settlements outside of Tibet. It is today the nerve centre for Tibetan Buddhist studies with the Universities of Namdroling and Sera Jey being the beacons, imparting teachings in Buddhist philosophy of the purest and highest order by Rinpoches (Masters) of great accomplishments.
Inbetween exploring and learning sessions, what caught my attention was this relatively large group of young westerners, once laity like us, training to be monks! I was intrigued to find out what drove them all the way here from their land of plenty to be ordained as monks, lead simple lives and undergo the rigours of 18years and more, of continuous training and practices, before graduating as Buddhist masters. I had the good fortune of meeting extensively with a few of them to seek insights of their motivations and message they have for the samsaric world.
Small home stays and guest houses, clean and humble, mostly run by resident Tibetans, are on offer to compliment one's stay. A great getaway to stitch-up tattered urban nerves!